Our corner of Kensington seems to be a perpetual building site. No sooner had the De Vere Gardens development finished than the one in Young Street started. With big projects like these, there’s usually a project management committee, which someone from the KCRA attends – so any problems or complaints can be addressed pretty promptly. It’s the smaller developments that often cause the greatest inconvenience. Here’s a progress report on the ones that have affected our neighbourhood most.

27-28 Kensington Court

This property had been empty since 2014.
But at the start of 2019 a new contractor was appointed – London Projects – with a new site manager. He is Scott Woodruff (077 1590 4589)
and work has finally reached completion. It was on schedule to be completed in August 2020 before Coronavirus intervened.
It has to be said that the contractors have been considerate in encasing the site in white hardboard and washing down the pavements around the project, thereby reducing the site mess to a minimum. The assistant Project Manager, Conor Hills, got permission to pollard the 4 trees within the site boundary and this further cleaned up the site.
Scott Woodruff has confirmed that the damaged paving stones outside the premises will be repaired. He’s just waiting for the Council to authorise the work!